For the last 40 years many organisations have been applying off the shelf tools and software in the hope that a scattergun approach will bring some benefit. Today in 2022 this practice still continues and everyday someone will state you should try this or that, usually without any knowledge of the value adding characteristics of the organisation where it is to be applied. Is it any wonder therefore that improvements are minimal ? This is akin to a medical doctor prescribing all the medication in the pharmacy (Without any examination) in the hope that something will help.
Why do Managers and CEOs continue to do this ? when they could use time-based analysis to carry out a highly structured transformation.
When you have thought about the above, you might want to consider how to radically improve your attempts at transformation by using time-based analysis and think about how data can be gathered and displayed visually and which synchronisation point to use. Yes some thought is needed, but don’t worry, all the detail you need is in my book The Time Based Organisation: Recreating and Transforming Existing Organisations: Barker, Dr Robert C: 9798653501593: Books