Dr Bob Barker is a researcher who specialises in time based organisations, time based analysis and transformation. He has held Group Director positions with Hanson plc, Dorman Smith Ltd and Switchgear & Instrumentation Ltd. He has also worked for ITT and Aeroquip and has been a Visiting Professor at Cranfield University in the School of Management and at Sheffield Hallam University.
For the last 30 years Bob has been involved with research into the design and implementation of time based models to aid the restructuring and transformation of manufacturing industry and service organisations. Implementation work and organisational change has been carried out at a wide range of organisations in the UK and Europe to help them develop their value adding capability. Much of this work involved the installation of cell structures, pull type control systems, empowered employee teams, IT integration, synchronisation of supply chains and time compression techniques. Bob has been employed as a consultant to deliver training in lean six sigma tools and techniques in Aircraft, Aerospace, Electrical and all types of engineering, in Central Government Agencies, Housing Associations, the UK Police service, Local Councils, etc.
Thirty-five papers and conference proceedings have been published in various Journals such as the International Journal of Production Research, Long Range Planning, OMEGA, Industrial Management and Data Systems, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Production Planning and Control, etc.
Bob has a PhD from UMIST (University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology UK), an MPhil from Manchester Metropolitan University, a Post Graduate Diploma from Salford and studied Industrial Management in Hull.
Presentations have been made at various conferences including Quick Response Manufacturing 2000 in Madison, Wisconsin, Britain’s Best Factories Awards, London and Performance Measurement 2000 at Cambridge University, etc. He has given presentations to develop time based organisations and time based analysis in the UK, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Spain, Poland, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Saudi Arabia, the USA and France. University lecturing has been undertaken at Cambridge, Cranfield, Manchester, Bristol, Lancaster and Sheffield Universities.
Dr Bob Barker’s book, The Time Based Organisation describes the concepts, tools, techniques and models that have been developed.
Available worldwide on Amazon ISBN 9798653501593