Probably the most important visual measure in an organisation but sadly overlooked by so many.
Dr Bob Barker
Apr 05, 2021
Dr Bob Barker
Feb 28, 2021
Dr Bob Barker
Jan 15, 2021
There is only one way to redesign an Organisation. (Any organisation).
Most people seem to be totally confused when it comes to redesigning and transforming the value adding capability of an organisation.
1. The current situation. The majority of organisations from local government through all types of Manufacturing to Aircraft production hold tremendous amounts of waste and untapped potential. Track any product or service through the so-called value adding processes and value adding time versus the total calendar time consumed will be less than 15%. This is evidence that all the last 40 years of Lean, Agile, Systems, ERP/MRP, TOC, etc, etc have had minimal impact, otherwise there would not be so much waste in 2021.
2. The solution. Now is the time to stop and think. Before you can make your unique system better, analyse what is happening, ie - analyse the patient before prescribing cures. Ask employees to track one of your products/services/health patients through your organisation on a calendar time line. VA time will be very low, so just remove all the NVA time. This is a structured approach that targets waste in your organisation, why would you want to do anything else? PS. If what you find is embarrassing, don’t let it stop you.
Dr Bob Barker
Aug 18, 2020
Office versus Home Based Working - A 3D Time Based Analysis Model
Please see below a 3D time based analysis model that illustrates nine office based tasks with and without a one hour travel time morning and evening. Here it becomes apparent that working from home can be easily managed by recording the number of tasks completed per customer request or per day. In conducting some time based analysis in UK services the author has found that low value adding capability exists. (ie – Measured as value adding time in relation to the total amount of calendar time consumed) See Line of Value Adding and Line of Cost
Please note - If the non value adding time gaps can be removed (Either in home based or office based working) then the overall shape of the inputs to outputs conversion process takes an entirely new view. As a pre-requisite to any improvement actions it is always important to carry out some time based analysis and look at the process through the lens of time.
Dr Bob Barker
Aug 03, 2020
A 3D Time Based Analysis Model – An Example of Restructuring
Please see below an example of restructuring using my 3D time-based analysis model. In this case large amounts of non-value adding time were removed. The objective as always is to visualise the entire inputs/outputs processes so all employees can see the global view and improve value adding capability. This time-based visualisation replaced a text based plan that everybody found confusing.
I cannot stress enough to readers that analysis is essential to identify waste (In all its forms) and untapped potential. This provides guidance, the identification of bottlenecks and their removal in a structured manner. Whilst I do accept that there are other barriers to transformation such as poor command/control leadership, time-based visualisation provides a very strong justification to begin improvement actions.
Dr Bob Barker
Jul 22, 2020
Possible Reasons Why More Change is Not Taking Place.
Given the current economic climate and the need to get more from less, it is surprising that manufacturing and government public services sectors are not investing more energy into transforming organisations. Possible reasons could be - a) Lack of interest, b) Indifference, c) Don’t know how to measure waste and untapped potential, d) The tax payer will give us more money and that’s easier than restructuring, etc.
In order to move things forward can I ask people to start thinking about the Time Based Organisation where all non-value adding time is removed. It all begins with a visual analysis, simply attach yourself to a product or service and measure your value adding time versus the calendar time consumed. My worst findings are 4% (Equal to 4 days VA work in 100 days) in council services but sub 20% is common in manufacturing. See
I attach below a very old before and after visualization, results were 550% increase in profitability over four years. Throughput time reduction examples – 20 hours to 35 minutes, 14 hours to 45 minutes, 29% increase in sales output value per employee, lower fixed cost, 60% reduction in inventory. Empowered teams are the key enabler.
Dr Bob Barker
Jul 20, 2020
In public sector service organisations there is no profit/loss normally associated with the costs of making a product with selling margins. However in comparing the time based and non time based organisation example below, it can be seen that long throughput times increase costs. I have added a line of cost to the time based model to reflect this problem. This is an important point since results of research reveal value adding capability in some UK public sector services as low as 4% (4 weeks of value adding touch time work in 104 weeks of elapsed calendar time). It would appear that a lot of untapped potential exists and transformation work is needed.
Dr Bob Barker
Jul 05, 2020
Dr Bob Barker
Jul 05, 2020
The total company view in manufacturing organisations.
The above line of value adding model is derived from data collected via time based analysis, see Figure 8 below and in the time based organisation book. It provides a very useful global overview of material input costs and synchronisation to the need date on the left. On the right hand side throughput time is recorded.
Compare product A with a very low material cost and in assembly where throughput time was reduced from 20 hours to 35 minutes by removing non value adding time gaps. Now look at say product F where material entry costs on the left are much higher and synchronisation is poor leading to higher inventory costs and lower profit margins. On the right hand side assembly times are still longer than necessary because non value adding time has not been removed.
The public sector model.
Probably the most important visual measure in an organisation but sadly overlooked by so many.
There is only one way to redesign an Organisation. (Any organisation).
Most people seem to be totally confused when it comes to redesigning and transforming the value adding capability of an organisation.
1. The current situation. The majority of organisations from local government through all types of Manufacturing to Aircraft production hold tremendous amounts of waste and untapped potential. Track any product or service through the so-called value adding processes and value adding time versus the total calendar time consumed will be less than 15%. This is evidence that all the last 40 years of Lean, Agile, Systems, ERP/MRP, TOC, etc, etc have had minimal impact, otherwise there would not be so much waste in 2021.
2. The solution. Now is the time to stop and think. Before you can make your unique system better, analyse what is happening, ie - analyse the patient before prescribing cures. Ask employees to track one of your products/services/health patients through your organisation on a calendar time line. VA time will be very low, so just remove all the NVA time. This is a structured approach that targets waste in your organisation, why would you want to do anything else? PS. If what you find is embarrassing, don’t let it stop you.
Office versus Home Based Working - A 3D Time Based Analysis Model
Please see below a 3D time based analysis model that illustrates nine office based tasks with and without a one hour travel time morning and evening. Here it becomes apparent that working from home can be easily managed by recording the number of tasks completed per customer request or per day. In conducting some time based analysis in UK services the author has found that low value adding capability exists. (ie – Measured as value adding time in relation to the total amount of calendar time consumed) See Line of Value Adding and Line of Cost
Please note - If the non value adding time gaps can be removed (Either in home based or office based working) then the overall shape of the inputs to outputs conversion process takes an entirely new view. As a pre-requisite to any improvement actions it is always important to carry out some time based analysis and look at the process through the lens of time.
A 3D Time Based Analysis Model – An Example of Restructuring
Please see below an example of restructuring using my 3D time-based analysis model. In this case large amounts of non-value adding time were removed. The objective as always is to visualise the entire inputs/outputs processes so all employees can see the global view and improve value adding capability. This time-based visualisation replaced a text based plan that everybody found confusing.
I cannot stress enough to readers that analysis is essential to identify waste (In all its forms) and untapped potential. This provides guidance, the identification of bottlenecks and their removal in a structured manner. Whilst I do accept that there are other barriers to transformation such as poor command/control leadership, time-based visualisation provides a very strong justification to begin improvement actions.
Possible Reasons Why More Change is Not Taking Place.
Given the current economic climate and the need to get more from less, it is surprising that manufacturing and government public services sectors are not investing more energy into transforming organisations. Possible reasons could be - a) Lack of interest, b) Indifference, c) Don’t know how to measure waste and untapped potential, d) The tax payer will give us more money and that’s easier than restructuring, etc.
In order to move things forward can I ask people to start thinking about the Time Based Organisation where all non-value adding time is removed. It all begins with a visual analysis, simply attach yourself to a product or service and measure your value adding time versus the calendar time consumed. My worst findings are 4% (Equal to 4 days VA work in 100 days) in council services but sub 20% is common in manufacturing. See
I attach below a very old before and after visualization, results were 550% increase in profitability over four years. Throughput time reduction examples – 20 hours to 35 minutes, 14 hours to 45 minutes, 29% increase in sales output value per employee, lower fixed cost, 60% reduction in inventory. Empowered teams are the key enabler.
In public sector service organisations there is no profit/loss normally associated with the costs of making a product with selling margins. However in comparing the time based and non time based organisation example below, it can be seen that long throughput times increase costs. I have added a line of cost to the time based model to reflect this problem. This is an important point since results of research reveal value adding capability in some UK public sector services as low as 4% (4 weeks of value adding touch time work in 104 weeks of elapsed calendar time). It would appear that a lot of untapped potential exists and transformation work is needed.
The total company view in manufacturing organisations.
The above line of value adding model is derived from data collected via time based analysis, see Figure 8 below and in the time based organisation book. It provides a very useful global overview of material input costs and synchronisation to the need date on the left. On the right hand side throughput time is recorded.
Compare product A with a very low material cost and in assembly where throughput time was reduced from 20 hours to 35 minutes by removing non value adding time gaps. Now look at say product F where material entry costs on the left are much higher and synchronisation is poor leading to higher inventory costs and lower profit margins. On the right hand side assembly times are still longer than necessary because non value adding time has not been removed.