Feedback from a CEO - European Multinational.
Dear Bob.
Your time-based analysis workshops created an awareness of the holistic picture of the business and all its interconnecting and interdependent processes.
This enabled everyone to see how value is added for the customer, and the business, not only in their own department but as it passes through the entire company.
You showed us how to see the entire process, from the light going on the customer’s mind, that he needs our products, to the cheque being placed in the bank.
It became clear for everyone how interdependent these processes are and how important cross functional team work is to achieving sustainable solutions.
Creating an awareness of the holistic picture, and a willingness to change the way we look at problem solving was a breakthrough in the mind-sets here. This also resulted in a substantial improvement in moral and motivation.
One employee who is close to retirement and a reputation for being cynical said after one of your workshops - “I wish I had another 20 years to see what can be done with this company"
We all know people are not stupid, and the employees know there are better ways of doing their job as individuals and as a team. The question is, how often are they invited to map out the complete picture, where they fit, and then given the power to do something about it.
I still use your time based maps to show how this value flow works and quote the % of Non-Value Adding time to Value Adding Time as a major objective we need to improve.
You made some radical changes to material flow and planning methodology that has enabled us increase output by more than 50%, with no increase in headcount and minimal Capex investment.
We are about to enter a further period of super growth i.e. 100% and your foundation work remains key to that. So in essence I hope as a reference what you enabled us to do was :-
- You transformed the way we look at the business as a whole, through the application of your own highly developed time based value mapping techniques, and people engagement. This enabled us to see the holistic picture and not as a collection of fragmented unconnected processes.
- Major improvements in positive thinking, moral, and teamwork.
- Recognition of the crucial role of teams working together both in problem solving, and project execution.
- You helped to create 50% more capacity, with no increase in headcount and minimal Capex.
- Reduction in lead times from 34 weeks to 12 weeks to the delight of our customers.
Best regards